
What you wear is who you are

By Jane Auster (

Dressing for success in the hospitality industry starts from the moment you arrive for your interview. The way you prepare yourself and present yourself in a hospitality interview will offer prospective employers clues to how you'll present yourself in the hospitality industry. First impressions are often the only impressions, so you'll want your first appearance to set the table for your performance on the job.

"Your initial appearance will introduce yourself before your words do," says Roberta Nedry, president of Hospitality Excellence, Inc., a guest experience management firm. "You have only one moment to make that first impression, from the minute you walk through the door and reach out your hand. In choosing your clothes you are making a total impression. It's just like going to a party: what do you want to say about yourself?"

Dressing for success as early as the interview is even more important in the hospitality industry than other businesses because hospitality jobs demand you constantly present yourself to guests, whether in a restaurant, hotel, resort, spa or other people-heavy setting. So when you arrive for your interview, employers are already assessing how their guests will perceive you as an ambassador for their operation.

Pakaian Merupakan cerminan kepribadian. Kalo mau jadi orang sukses berpakaian dan berperilakulah sebagai orang sukses, begitu juga kalo mau jadi orang dugem berpakaianlah selayaknya orang dugem.
Ya..atmosfer, mungkin satu kata yang tepat untuk mewakilinya. Setiap insan, individu berhak menentukan apa yang mereka mau dan inginkan, entah keinginan atau kemauan itu terwujud menjadi kenyataan atau tidak...tergantung dari seberapa besar upaya atau tindakan untuk mewujudkannya :-)

Kembali ke pakaian...jadi inget lagu Roxxet. yang judulnya Dress for Success.

Coba liat cuplikannya dan cermati liriknya.

stay watch

Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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